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Program Overview
All three of the following must be aligned for admittance to the GaTAPP program and must remain aligned until program completion.
GACE content area assessment appropriate for the desired provisional certification field
Provisional certificate or waiver requested by the district in the field sought by the candidate
Full-time teaching position assigned by the school with at least 50% of the school day in the field of provisional certification
If any of these 3 become misaligned, the candidate may be dismissed from the program.
The time it takes to complete a GaTAPP program depends on the chosen certificate field and the speed with which candidates complete their work and earn ratings of at least “3” on all observation rubrics and dispositions rubrics. GaTAPP can be completed in 3 to 4 school semesters or 1 ½ to 2 school years. Additional time may be allowed on an individual basis based on the expiration of certification and additional tuition.
GaTAPP has 2 components: Coursework and On-the-Job Work.
Coursework: The coursework takes a summer and at least two school semesters following the summer to complete.
“Essentials of Effective Teaching” is a two-week course taught in the summer, there are two sessions available, and you must attend either in June OR July. Daily attendance is mandatory from 9-3. It is an intensive course with full days and homework in the evenings. Absences will result in dismissal from the program.
1st-semester courses are on general pedagogy. 2nd-semester courses are on certificate field-specific pedagogy. We will have Saturday seminars monthly from 10-3. Attendance is mandatory. Absences will result in dismissal from the program.
Candidates who have not yet taken a course in “the identification and instruction of children with exceptionalities” required by law in Georgia, will take a course through their GaTAPP program. We call this course EXC. GaTAPP pays for the online course. Candidates must purchase their textbook. Winter candidates will take this in their first semester and summer candidates will take this in their third semester of GaTAPP.
Candidates seeking the field of Elementary Education are required to take courses in the teaching of reading. These courses will be taken in the 3rd and 4th semesters of GaTAPP. GaTAPP pays for the course. Candidates must purchase their own textbooks.
On-the-Job Work: Each semester, candidates must complete the following.
1 CST Meeting
2 Supervisor Observations
3 Mentor Observations
1 Learning Segment
Various Logs
Some Field Experiences